Outputs & Results

How to? Toolkit for youth and circular economy entrepreneurship
This digital toolkit showcases innovative youth-led initiatives that could act as an example for future circular economy young entrepreneurs. Its aim is to increase the knowledge capital of youth workers, youth organizations, young people, civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders in terms of circular economy entrepreneurship. Available in 6 languages (English, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, German and French).
Guidebook for raising awareness and building the capacity of youth workers
The Guidebook helps youth workers to:
– Better understand key concepts and familiarize with the UN and EU policies and strategies (SDGs).
– Build their capacity to integrate in their work with youth and to promote sustainable development and circular economy.
– Develop a battery of tools and approaches to nurture the innovation capital of young people and to assist them in building sustainable entrepreneurial ideas.
– Have at hand ready examples and resources so as to trigger the interest and guide youth towards sustainability and circular economy ideas.
Available in digital format, in 6 languages (English, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, French, and German).
Awareness raising and capacity building seminars
Four awareness raising and capacity building seminars organized with the participation of 20 youth workers per country, in Greece, Portugal, Romania and Germany.
SYnC online course and educational platform
The SYnC online course and platform on circular economy entrepreneurship addressed to youth aims to serve as an integrated and tailored course to equip them with knowledge and competences relevant to the circular economy, and nurture the youth innovation capital towards new green and sustainable business ideas. Available in 5 languages and piloted in four countries.
The Lessons Learnt and Forward-Looking Educational Strategies reports
This output pertains to the development of two reports, available in digital format, in 5 languages:
1. The Lessons learnt and youth Recommendations: How to SYnc-in youth innovation potential in the circular economy
2. Forward looking educational strategies
These reports will benefit policy makers, non-formal education actors and other relevant stakeholders, as they will provide them with evidenced knowledge on the development and application of non-formal educational programmes and resources on the field of entrepreneurship and circular economy.